by Barry Wilcox | Apr 26, 2018 | Shotguns and shooting
We are often asked what is a cross-over shotgun and why would someone want to use one rather than learning to shoot from the other shoulder to match up with their dominant eye? What is a cross-over shotgun? A cross-over shotgun is made such that the stock sits... by Barry Wilcox | Oct 4, 2017 | 'Gramps'
In the early 1980s I moved to Waterybutts, a shooting and fishing lodge in Perthshire. Here I spent some happy times on the River Tay with Jimmy Last from Scone and we became good friends and occasional drinking companions to the irrepressible Colin Leslie of Cargill.... by Barry Wilcox | Aug 12, 2017 | 'Gramps'
Many years ago, when I was a lot fitter than I am now, three shooting pals from the south invited me to join them for a walked-up grouse day on the Glorious Twelfth in the Glenshee area. My friends were great company but years of good living had left its mark and... by Barry Wilcox | Aug 11, 2017 | Latest shooting news, Shotguns and shooting
August the twelfth, the first day of the grouse shooting season is nearly upon us. It is often referred to as the Glorious Twelfth although you’ll be hard pushed to find a dictionary definition for this term. It is a special day for many in the shooting community and... by Barry Wilcox | Jan 31, 2017 | Gun repairs
We are now coming towards the end of the game shooting season and, as ever, we have been very busy with gun repairs and the shop sometimes feels like an A & E department with customers needing their guns for the next big day. Some can be fixed quickly, some take a...