Castle Gunmakers, Norham, Northumberland


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Castle Gunmakers, Norham, Northumberland

Shotgun restocking

Specialists in shotgun stock repairs, alterations, new stocks and gunfitting

Over the life of a shotgun it is more than likely that the stock will need some attention. This could be for a number of reasons:

  • Repairs needed due to cracks and breaks
  • Refinishing needed due to scratches or wear
  • Alterations required for gunfitting
  • Re-chequering due to wear
  • Restocking due to damage or for gunfit
Castle Gunmakers lengthening a shotgun stock

Alterations and gunfitting

Castle Gunmakers lengthening a shotgun stockStocks on new guns are generally made to standard dimensions and on old guns may have been altered several times. As people come in all shapes and sizes it is very important that your shotgun fits you well. Much has been written on the subject of gunfit, and your friends will all have an opinion! There are 3 main dimensions to consider when thinking of gunfit:

  • Bend (sometimes called drop) which affects how high your face/eye sits in relation to the rib. This is an important dimension and is usually altered by carefully heating and bending the neck of the stock up or down.
  • Cast which is critical to eye alignment along the rib. The amount of cast required by an individual is reliant on several different factors to do with body shape and eye dominance. Right handed is referred to as ‘cast off’ and left handed – ‘cast on’. The stock is set to the right or left of centre as required.
  • Length which is less critical but can affect, and be affected, by the above two. Stature, arm length, stance and shooting technique also need to be taken into consideration when deciding on length. Guns can be lengthened with recoil pads, ebonite or walnut.

Here at Castle Gunmakers, we have many years of experience when dealing with gunfit and will be pleased to take your gun measurements and advise on possible alterations which are carried out ‘in house’. Just give us a call to arrange shotgun alterations or gunfitting.

Castle Gunmakers fix cracked shotgun stocks

Cracks and breaks

At Castle Gunmakers we can offer all of the above services, some in house and some carried out by the top specialists in the UK.

The combination of a skilled craftsman using hand-made pins and modern adhesives means that many stocks with apparently bad breaks and cracks are repairable and will last for many years, saving on the need for expensive restocking. Repairs are often virtually invisible after refinishing. Get in touch with us so we can fix your shotgun cracks or carry out shotgun restocking.


Should your stock be broken beyond repair, or impossible to fit, we are able to restock your shotgun with a replacement from the manufacturer or have a new one made by specialist craftsmen. Replacement factory stocks will usually need some degree of fitting work and new bespoke stocks can be hand-made from the finest walnut blanks to your specific dimensions. Restocking is often covered by your insurance policy and we can provide estimates for your insurance company. Simply contact us to arrange shotgun restocking.


After many years of use the chequering on a stock can get worn and ingrained with dirt, affecting the appearance and the effectiveness of the grip. Chequering can be recut and the stock refinished to your requirements. Get in touch to arrange re-chequering of your shotgun.

Shotgun stock refinishing by Castle Gunmakers


Through use, it is inevitable that stocks will pick up scuffs and scratches, and that the finish will gradually wear. We specialise in refinishing stocks and forends to a high standard and offer a range of varnish and oil finishes. Contact us to discuss shotgun refinishing.

Arrange a gun repair

Our cost effective gun repair service covers the whole UK and we repair shotguns, rifles and air guns.

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Appointed Dealer

Castle Gunmakers are Appointed Dealers for Rizzini, AYA and Webley & Scott shotguns in Northumberland and the Borders.

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